Many thanks to …

© Keren Cytter, Four Seasons, 2009, colour / sound, 12:15 min

THE LONGEST NIGHT would like to thank all artists*, all contributors and writers, all assistants, hosts and friends for making THE LONGEST NIGHT such a wonderful, mind-blowingly great experience!!!

Namely: Noldi and Thomas for their invaluable help during preparations, the event itself and the after-hours on December 22!
Max, Maya and Marina for running the bar and keeping our guests happy!
Maja for the delicious food and for keeping up the whole night with hungry people coming in every hour!
Markus for giving us a hand between 10pm and 2am, not only behind the technic desk!
Philipp for helping us with sound and light during the night!
Max and Beda for the IT support!
PANCH for supporting our call4participation (regarding the blog)
Natalie, Kerstin, Claudia, Andrea, Bernadett, Marie-Anne, Benjamin, Lilian, Brita, Andreas, Olivia, Nina and Jeanne for their contributions to our blog and the interviews they conducted during the soundcheck!
Nora and Nicole for their assistance in keeping the blog running!
Lorenzo for being our photographer and his resistance to the cold and fatigue, especially in the early hours of the morning!
And last but not least to the Kunstraum Walcheturm and Patrick!

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